




Arduino Weather Station with W5500 Ethernet Module Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will build an Arduino Weather Station that can display real-time temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure readings on a web-based interface. The data will be collected from sensors and transmitted to a web server using the W5500 Ethernet module. Users can access the weather data from any device connected to the same local network.

Components Required

  • Arduino board (e.g., Arduino Uno)
  • W5500 Ethernet module
  • DHT22 (or DHT11) Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  • BMP180 (or BMP280) Barometric Pressure Sensor
  • 16x2 LCD Display (optional for local display)
  • Breadboard and jumper wires

Step 1: Setting Up the Hardware

  • Connect the W5500 Ethernet module to the Arduino board using jumper wires:
W5500 CS pin to any digital pin on Arduino (e.g., D10)
W5500 MOSI pin to Arduino MOSI pin (usually D11)
W5500 MISO pin to Arduino MISO pin (usually D12)
W5500 SCK pin to Arduino SCK pin (usually D13)
W5500 VCC pin to Arduino 5V pin
W5500 GND pin to Arduino GND pin
  • Connect the DHT22 sensor to the Arduino board using jumper wires:
DHT22 VCC pin to Arduino 5V pin
DHT22 GND pin to Arduino GND pin
DHT22 data pin to any digital pin on Arduino (e.g., D2)
  • Connect the BMP180 sensor to the Arduino board using jumper wires:
BMP180 VCC pin to Arduino 3.3V pin
BMP180 GND pin to Arduino GND pin
BMP180 SDA pin to Arduino A4 pin
BMP180 SCL pin to Arduino A5 pin
  • (Optional) Connect the LCD display to the Arduino board for local display:
LCD RS pin to Arduino D4
LCD Enable pin to Arduino D5
LCD D4 to Arduino D6
LCD D5 to Arduino D7
LCD D6 to Arduino D8
LCD D7 to Arduino D9
LCD VCC and LED+ to Arduino 5V pin
LCD GND and LED- to Arduino GND pin

Step 2: Install Required Libraries

  • To work with the W5500 Ethernet module, DHT22 sensor, BMP180 sensor, and LCD display, we need to install the respective libraries. Open the Arduino IDE, go to "Sketch" -> "Include Library" -> "Manage Libraries", and search for the following libraries:
"Ethernet2" by Arduino
"Adafruit DHT" by Adafruit
"Adafruit BMP085" by Adafruit
"LiquidCrystal_I2C" by Frank de Brabander

Step 3: Write the Arduino Code

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Arduino Weather Station</title>
  <h1>Arduino Weather Station</h1>
  <h2>Current Weather Data</h2>
  <p>Temperature: <span id="temp">--</span> &deg;C</p>
  <p>Humidity: <span id="humid">--</span> %</p>
  <p>Pressure: <span id="press">--</span> hPa</p>

    // Function to fetch weather data from Arduino server
    function fetchData() {
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => {
          document.getElementById("temp").innerText = data.temperature;
          document.getElementById("humid").innerText = data.humidity;
          document.getElementById("press").innerText = data.pressure;

    // Fetch data every 5 seconds
    setInterval(fetchData, 5000);

Step 4: Upload the Code to Arduino

  • Connect your Arduino board to your computer via USB, select the correct board and port from the Arduino IDE, and then click "Upload" to upload the code to the Arduino.

Step 5: Set Up the Arduino Web Server

<!-- Add Arduino code here -->

Step 6: Test the Weather Station

  • Once the code is uploaded, power up your Arduino with the Ethernet shield, and connect it to the same local network as your computer or smartphone.
  • Open a web browser and enter the IP address assigned to your Arduino (you can find this IP address in the Arduino Serial Monitor after the setup). The web page will display the real-time temperature, humidity, and pressure readings retrieved from the sensors.

Congratulations! You have successfully built an Arduino Weather Station with a W5500 Ethernet module. You can now access the weather data from any device connected to your local network. Enjoy monitoring the weather!